
The Curse of Thorned Glade - a 5e One-Shot

Created by Dren Productions Games

Our brand-new one shot 5e adventure for only $5!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Adventures!!!
10 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 11:30:09 AM

Hey all, 

First, we want to say thank you again for backing Curse of Thorned Glade. We hope you enjoy the adventure. Second, we want to let you know that we're setting up the pledge manager now, and hope to launch it this coming weekend (or early next week). Once you guys fill out the pledge manager, you will be getting your files for Curse of Thorned Glade. This means you could have your adventures by this time next week!

That being said, we have another couple of adventures to offer you. We will be launching a pair of Holiday-Themed adventures that we intend to deliver by the end of the month. That's two awesome one-shots, both set in the same place. You could get one, or both!

Have your players fight some armored polar bears, warrior penguins, and mutant reindeer, all while exploring the town of Snowflake Haven. There might even be a cameo by that guy in the red suit. These will be the perfect adventures to use this holiday season. 

Jump on now and be the first to know when we launch!

Thanks all!


Race to the Finish!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 03:51:49 AM

Hey all, 

We just wanted to send out one more great big THANK YOU to all of you for coming out and supporting the campaign before we end. We might not get to write up anything tomorrow (we are at an all-day conference), so we wanted to just take the time to thank you all now for your support!

So, thank you all very much! We can't wait to get you your PDFs of this great adventure, and hope that you enjoy it as much as our players have! 

Thank you one more time!

We have a cool other campaign to look at that is also ending soon!

Only YOU can Fight the Madness, Save the City and Discover the Truth!

What started with a simple mission to clear the local monastery’s cellar of kobolds leads your party into a dangerous game of cat and mouse involving terrorists, werewolves and government agents! As you follow the trail of the Saint Avon’s Madness gas attacks, from the forests and hills of Rashk, to the Wastes of Antraxus and the backstreets and sewers of the city of Kravik, only one thing is important – finding out just WHO is behind it all…

Saint Avon's Madness is a beautiful Hardcover Print Collection of 9 adventures + a City Setting! All are fully play-tested One-Shots for 5e and OSR systems for 1st-6th level characters, including full stat blocks for both old and new 5e and OSR/1e monsters, new magic items and grid/grid-less maps. Now with BONUS VTT Maps!

Check out the Kickstarter at before it ends!

Thanks all!


2 New Add-Ons!
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 04:44:23 AM

Hey guys, 

Thank you all so much! We know you're going to love this new adventure!

We only have a short time left on this campaign, but we realized, we forgot that we had 2 other adventures to throw on here as add-ons. 

We just added them to the campaign, and we know you're going to love them too! Take a look!

So, as we said earlier, no stretch goals, but you guys are going to be getting a bunch of extras with this campaign, including some extra creatures and some battlemaps to use! We are going to add in as much as we possibly can for you all to make your adventure the best it can possibly be. 

Thanks all!


Great So Far!
11 months ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 07:29:05 PM

Hey all!

Thanks for coming out and backing this awesome project! We have some great stuff in store. 

With it being so short (and the fact that until Sunday night (really Monday morning)) we're at New York Comic Con (Booth 1956 if anyone's there and wants to drop by and see us), we're not going to be doing any stretch goals for this one. 

However, we are going to to throw in some goodies for you. We have designed some battlemaps in Inkarnate for you guys which we are including with your projects. We also have a couple of additional monsters that aren't in the campaign (but can be used in the campaign) that we're going to send out to you guys as well. 

We love you guys! And we want to make this one as awesome as possible! 

Thanks all!